acTelerikStylesAssembly (07.04.2015), v1.9
Copyright (c) 2012-2015 acDevSoftware
- 1.9 (22.05.2015):
- New:
- Use Telerik.Web.UI.dll, 2017.2.228.
- acTelerikStylesAssembly can be used from console with arguments (see /? for help).
Ideal for MSBuild and other identical tools (idea from Christopher Cassidy).
- Add RadBaseTile control.
- Add RadLinearGauge, RadRadialGauge controls (these controls don't have any .css files,
for future use).
- Change RadProgressArea base control from RadUpload to RadProgressArea.
- Minor changes in code.
- Some skins files, like Map.Office2010Silver.css, contain at beginning of the file
some comments:
/*$main-sprite: skin-image-url( "Common", "radActionsSprite.png" );
$main-spriteIE6: skin-image-url( "Common", "radActionsSpriteIE6.png" );*/
No error occurs anymore when they are parsed.
- 1.8 (07.04.2015):
- New:
- Use Telerik.Web.UI.dll, 2014.3.1209.
- Added the RadDataForm, RadUploadProgressArea, RadTreeMap and RadWizard controls.
- 1.7 (21.06.2014):
- New:
- Added lastest version of Telerik.Web.UI.dll, 2014.2.618, taken in account.
- Added the RadDiagram, RadGantt, RadImageGallery, RadMap and RadPageLayout controls.
- 1.6 (21.10.2013):
- New:
- Added lastest version of Telerik.Web.UI.dll, 2013.3.1015, taken in account.
- Added the Telerik RadCloudUpload, RadLightBox, RadMediaPlayer controls.
- Added Clear Logging button to clear all log texts.
- Change RadProgressArea base control from RadUpload to RadProgressArea.
- Add RadBaseTile control.
- Add RadLinearGauge, RadRadialGauge controls (these controls don't have any .css files,
for future use).
- 1.5 (17.06.2013):
- New:
- Added lastest version of Telerik.Web.UI.dll, 2013.2.611, taken in account.
- Added the Telerik RadTileList control.
- Added mime types for file.cur and file.ico: image/x-icon.
- Test/, Test/ and Test/ have been generated with lasted
Telerik StyleBuilder application: 28.03.2013 (Telerik.Web.UI.dll: 2013.1.411).
- The value of field "Telerik Dll Path" is directly taken in account when an assembly is generated,
without saving into the config xml file.
- 1.4 (19.04.2013):
- New:
- Added lastest version of Telerik.Web.UI.dll, 2013.1.417, taken in account.
- Added in Main Window the optional field "Telerik Dll Path" that can be filled with the path of
the "Telerik.Web.UI.dll" used by acTelerikStylesAssembly. This field is saved in the
acTelerikStylesAssembly.xml file by the button "Save Settings".
- The "../Common/..." path was not correctly handled if sub folders were included in the path,
like "../Common/Grid/...".
- The loading from Application folder of "Telerik.Web.UI.dll" was not correctly handled if a
empty <TelerikWebUIPath> was given in acTelerikStylesAssembly.exe.config or
acTelerikStylesAssembly.xml file (reported by Samuel Chou).
- 1.3 (09.04.2013):
- New:
- Added the Telerik RadDropDownList, RadDropDownTree, RadSearchBox controls, version 2013.1.403.
- 1.2 (23.07.2012):
- New:
- Added the Telerik RadAutoCompleteBox, RadChart, RadHtmlChart and RadPivotGrid controls.
- Added the F section to describe how to create a zipped Telerik skin by hand to be used
by acTelerikStylesAssembly.
- 1.1.2:
- Added the possibility to load the Telerik.Web.UI.dll with a UNC path.
- Added the property "AssemblyCulture" in acTelerikStylesAssembly.exe.config to set
the culture of the generated skins assembly (example: en, fr-FR). If empty,
no culture is set.
- Fix:
- Some Telerik base skins have file references like "../Common/..." that were not
taken in account. Now, acTelerikStylesAssembly changes "../Common/..." to "Common/..".
(this problem occurs only if Style Builder Telerik Application is not used to create
zipped skin files, ie by "hands")
- 1.1.1:
- Initial release